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Купувати онлайн: Metro Awakening [VR]

1019.87 1539.62
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Продавець: EXTkeys
OCWindows 10, 64-bit
Intel i7 9th Gen (i7-9700)
ОЗП(Оперативна пам'ять)
ЖД(Вільне місце)
GPUNvidia GeForce RTX 2070, 8 GB VRAM DirectX: 12

VR support: Oculus Rift, Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3 Family, HTC VIVE, HTC VIVE PRO, HTC VIVE PRO 2 & Index

Metro Awakening is a story-driven first-person adventure built exclusively for VR that blends atmospheric exploration, stealth, and combat in the most immersive Metro experience yet.

The year is 2028.

The survivors of nuclear Armageddon cling to existence in the buried subways of the Moscow Metro – civilization's last refuge and tomb, where ghosts and spirits haunt the living in this man-made purgatory.

You are Serdar, a doctor braving the darkness, crippling radiation and deadly threats of the Metro in the search for your wife and the medication she so desperately needs. As your courage and sanity are pushed to the limit you must learn to walk the line between life and death, the spirit and the material world, and awaken the being you will become...

Lose yourself in a journey of spiritual awakening in this chilling, supernatural origins story from Metro creator Dmitry Glukhovsky.

Experience Metro's tense, heart-pounding gameplay in VR for the first time as you put on your mask, ammo, and filters run low and your torchlight flickers and dies in the darkness.

Wield a signature arsenal of hand-made weapons, don your gas mask, and venture into the depths of the Metro where desperate bandits, mutants, and worse haunt your every step.

How will I receive my game?

A digital code will be sent to your email address which you will then be able to redeem in Steam. Then you can just download, install, and enjoy your new game! You can find more specific instructions under the Code Activation Guide.

Why should I prefer Punktid’s online store?

Price – thanks to our digital delivery we can skip the delivery and packaging costs which allows us to sell the games under the recommended retail price.
Trustworthiness – We have thousands of positive feedbacks in Trustpilot and our average rating is 5/5. We always do our best to make the experience as smooth and fast as possible for our customers.
Experience – We have been on the market since 2009 and know everything about gaming so we can help you with pretty much every question. And even if we don’t know – we’ll find out and try to help you anyway!

Чому я маю обрати e-магазин punktid.com?

  • Ціна – завдяки нашій цифровій доставці ми можемо уникнути витрат на доставку та пакування, що дозволяє нам продавати ігри нижче рекомендованої роздрібної ціни.
  • Надійність – У нас тисячі позитивних відгуків на Trustpilot, і наш середній рейтинг становить 5/5. Ми завжди робимо все можливе, щоб зробити досвід наших клієнтів максимально гладким і швидким.
  • Досвід – Ми на ринку з 2009 року і знаємо все про ігри, тому можемо допомогти вам практично з будь-яким питанням. А якщо ми чогось не знаємо, то дізнаємося і все одно спробуємо вам допомогти!
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